I wish I could remember exactly who told this story, but I thought it had a good lesson behind it.
A mom once heard that we think over 100 negative thoughts in a day, so she decided to keep track to see if it was true. She bought a clicker, and every time she thought a negative thought, she clicked it. She was taking her son to school in the morning, and he said to her "Mom, wow you've already thought 18 negative thoughts this morning." So she covered up the clicker with tape so she couldn't look all day. After a week of using the clicker, she woke up one morning completely in the dumps. She couldn't understand why. Then she realized it was because she was completely focused on all the negative for a whole week. She was so concerned about keeping track of the negative that she totally neglected the positive. She decided from that day forward, she would use the clicker every time she had a positive thought. It made all the difference!
I know this is true especially for me lately. There are times during the day where I feel distraught and discouraged, and it takes me a while to realize. It's because I've been so consumed with the negative aspects of my life. I have to stop for a minute and rethink my day and focus on the positive. It's amazing how much better it makes me feel! I will always strive to focus on the positive!!
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